Dorothy Day House

Dorothy Day House


From inspiration to launch

Bess creator Christy and long-time collaborators Joe Smith and Helen Alba took on the recreation of the Dorothy Day House brand identity and retold their story to leverage their 30+ year history of supporting people experiencing homelessness in Berkeley while paving the way for their future work.

Christy, Joe and Helen looked to the current mission and the past logo and redesigned a new brand from there. The new logo hints to Dorothy Day House's former home logo, but is cleaner and more solid and modern in form. It also uses a more well-defined color palette of charcoal, red and bone along with logotype that is easier to read. The logo is now quickly identifiable up close and at a distance, which is important for people in need of shelter and services.

Recreating their website, social media and email platform from scratch were part of the project. Christy and her team built other Dorothy Day House assets, including business cards, letterhead, envelopes, collateral, signage, and impact reports. They also conceived several key fundraising campaigns as well as Berkeley’s first ever Homeless Resource Awareness Day held in BART Plaza. Oh, they partnered with Hettig Designs to produce a line of merch too!

Dorothy Day House has experienced a 75% increase in funding and a 50% increase in their following since the refresh - and we love that! See more here.

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