it’s for you.

we’re at the ready.

We embed a strategic, artistic + human-centered approach into everything we do. Keeping the collection of our experiences in mind, we at Bess:

  • Build connection

  • Facilitate + champion change

  • Create beauty + believe in the good

  • Are wholly invested in every collaboration we join, doing our best for you always

what we offer


We make culture and community - and calls to action - integral to your identity. Here’s how we can help:

  • Hone strategic plans

  • Provide trend insights and analysis

  • Audit + build brands

  • Tell your story

  • Consider funding options and opportunities

  • Build your offerings

  • Develop + launch websites, collateral and campaigns

  • Direct the integration of creative experiences + expressions into your services, programming and placemaking; design and furnish built environments too

  • Capture work in photos + video

  • Measure outcomes + impact

Bess for Artists/CREaTIVES

We support creatives in building their identities and getting their work into the world. Here’s what we can do:

  • Create your brand + story

  • Guide development of your work

  • Coordinate + faciliate collaborations with non-profit and civic organizations; local businesses too

  • Develop + launch websites, collateral and campaigns

  • Design collaborative artistic experiences, programs and installations for built environments and public spaces

  • Capture your work in photos + video

  • Measure outcomes + impact

What can we bring to life for you?

let’s talk



current + past collaborations



San Luis Obispo Museum of Art
San Luis Obispo Children’s Museum
Intersection for The Arts
Art Moves Project
UC Berkeley
Center for Artistic Activism
Project Your Vote
Dorothy Day House
Dorothy’s Closet
Rebuilding Together East Bay
Vitamin Em
White Pony Express
City of Lafayette
The Coffee Shop
Lamorinda Arts Council
Lafayette Public Art Committee
100 Plus Women Who Care
Census 2020 Be Counted
Hollie’s Homegrown
Lafayette Chamber of Commerce
San Luis Obispo Chamber of Commerce
Lafayette Juniors
Canyon Club Brewery
San Luis Obispo Community Foundation
Women’s Legacy Fund
Community Foundation of Lafayette
Berkeley Community Media
Yerba Buena Center for the Arts


Artists And Creatives

Yukie Fujimoto
Lissa Resnick
Jessica Tully
Kyle Athylade
Marquisee Moore
Robert Bissell
Yayoi Kambara
Charmaine Koh
Lara Dutto
Daniel Freeman
Emily Onderdonk
Chrissa Ventrelle
Hannah Perrine Mode
Hillary Waters Fayle
George Holmes
Julie Manning
Zoe Prillinger
Luke Ogrydziak
Jennifer Perlmutter
Emily Jonas
Kate Morgan
Joe Smith
Debra Szidon
Thea Patterson
Alyse Romano
Lawrence Kohl
Elise Johnson
Helen Alba
Megan Peterson
Stephen Fambro
Wyatt Renew
Missy Reitner Cameron
Matthew Ebert
Anna Kroeker
Leesha Zieber
Aaron Perlstein
Dante Alabastro
Matt Doolin
Rose Kirshner